A woman trying to finally figure out what she wants to do in life and her thoughts on how she will accomplish it.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
My new craft
So for a month before Christmas I got a HUGE urge to learn how to knit and crochet (thank you Pintrest). I saw so many cool things to make on there using looms, knitting and crocheting! So for Christmas I asked for knitting looms and a book called “Stich ‘n Bitch”. Well mom came through (of course she did, her and dad are my “Santa”)!
As soon as I could I went to Michaels and bought a skein of yarn so I could play with my new toy. The looms came with instructions, but I am not one for reading instructions and trying to figure out how to make something unless its for putting something together. So I went to good ol’ YouTube. I searched looms, found a video and I was off and running! After about 4 hours (over the course of 2 days) I had my very first scarf! I have to say, it is my very favorite thing I have ever made! It is super soft and so warm.
So after I did the loom I went back to Michaels and after returning items I didn’t get around to using for Christmas I got some more yard and needles so I could start learning to knit. I met a lady in the store and as we were looking at yard we started talking. I told her I got a book and was going to learn how to knit from the book and YouTube (YouTube to the rescue again!) She told me there was no way I could learn how to knit by just watching a video. Well that lit the fire under my butt and that night I knitted my first item, a “coaster” as a friend refers to it. Jumping up and down in my apartment with Hunny looking at me I said, “Haha! I’ll show you lady! Don’t tell me what I can’t learn on YouTube and from a book!” And yes, I did say it out loud!
Next attempt, make a scarf. Well I am proud to say I am almost finished with it after only 1 week!
So now talk about finding out why things are laid on our hearts. A few days ago I was listening to Air1, they were talking about a DJ, Bryant Hansen, going to Afghanistan with Cure. They are partnering with Air 1 and he is taking KNITTED AND CROCHETED ITEMS to babies and children over there! HELLO!!!! I started getting all teary eyed in my office. I had no idea back in November I would have the opportunity to show Gods love to mother’s and their babies just by knitting a simple beanie or blanket! (Ok, I’m crying now. But such happy tears.)
So for the next few weeks, or until I run out of yarn whichever comes first, I will be crocheting baby beanies and looming some blankets (fastest and easiest) for babies and their moms for a country we are fighting and defending on the other side of the world. Jesus told us to “Love the little children” right? Well I’m doing my part!
Oh P.S. I will post the video that Cure.org has posted on their site with Bryant explaining his trip.