So since moving into my new and small apartment, I have not really baked anything. I did bake some yummy cinnamon rolls for a friend at work and his birthday, but that was about it.
But this past weekend (and continuing this week) I have been baking pretty much non-stop. Why you ask? Well this upcoming weekend (the 16th) my church is having ahomeless outreach at Bucaneer park out in Oceanside. Mom and I helped last year and had a blast and walked away so very blessed and filled with love, that whne I saw it in the bulletin I signed up ASAP!
I signed up for desserts and when the lady called she said make whatever your speciality is, but something that is portable and quick to grab. So this is what I will have ready for them on Saturday:
Sugar cookies (4-5 dozen)
Chocolate chip cookies (homemade and Pilsbury) (8-10 dozen)
Snickerdoodles (4-5 dozen)
Oatmeal (4-5 dozen)
Chocolate Cupcakes (4 dozen)
Yellow Cupcakes (4 dozen)
White Cupcakes (4 dozen)
Needless to say, my kitchen will be broken in and I am done baking for quite ahile!